Sunday, September 20, 2009

September 20th

It was gray like the inside of a sock at Avila this morning. Not too cold but no sun and no horizon. Also no wind so there were glassy water conditions. A group of seals was playing to the right of the end of the Avila pier but there were no birds diving or other signs of bait fish. The water was a very clear green with a temperature of 59.5. Sylvia was there but she had been sick all week and elected to not get in Ally and I swam the triangle route in about 37 minutes. We didn’t see them but sylvia said that a group of dolphins trailed us for a while on the buoy to pier leg. The sun was out when we got out of the water and made for a very pleasant lunch on the beach.

My big thanks to Sylvia for bailing me out with the loan of a spare towel today. I don’t know if I would have gotten in without it.

Did anybody pick up a lonely rash guard off of the railing as they were leaving the beach last Sunday? Ally’s has gone missing.


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