Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunday, December 30, 2012

The water quality was questionable and the surf was up so we did not swim at Avila today.  We watched several boogie boarders who were much encouraged by the size of the surf but fast learning how short the rides are at Avila.  Rob, Allison and I took our kayaks over to the port, launched at the boat dock and paddled over to the base of the breakwater.  We disturbed some napping seals, took a close look at Smith Island, I looked for contraband on the beach at the base of the breakwater and we returned to the dock.  Not swimming but a nice bit of being on the water.

Santa brought Rob a new GoPro

Smith Island.  There are historic photos that show the house that used to be on the island.  What a place for a swimmer to live! 


We will gather at our usual spot in Avila on Tuesday morning and celebrate by jumping in at 11 and taking a short swim.  We will have a pot luck lunch on the beach afterwards.  It should be sunny, about 60 degrees and the water will be about 55.  Swim in whatever you bring, wetsuit or not.  Hope to see you there.


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