Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013

We did some distance today.

I've been wanting to do this route for a while and today turned out to be the day.  The conditions were right for doing something a bit adventurous with just a mild wind from the east, 59 degree water, not much of any surf or swell and plenty of support.  Sylvia and Yvonne went out early on their own and down the buoy line to the east.  I lost track of them once the main group got in the water.  The main group was Niel, Rob, Marta, Susan, Duke, Tom, Amy and Casey.  For company we had Allison on her little kayak, Byron and Sharley on Allison's tandem kayak and Mark on his big gun surfboard.  We went out on the east side of the pier, grouped up and swam under the pier and down to the last buoy at the creek.  We then swam over to the Poly Pier and along its length to its seaward end.  From there we came back to the end of the Avila Pier and in along its length to our starting point.   We covered 1.65 miles in a total time of 57 minutes,  about 10 minutes of which was spent reforming the group at the turns.  If you look closely at the plot of the swim you can see that I swam the length of the Poly Pier under the pier.  I enjoyed swimming between the pilings, looking at all of the sea stars and critters clinging to the pilings.  The water was a bit cooler under there in the shade but it was also better swimming  because the pilings flatten out the water's surface.   
Thank you to Rob and Allison for bringing the boats and to Mark for being with us on his board.

Casey would like to swim to the rock off of Fossil Point next Sunday.  That is a 1.5 mile swim and the rock is 1/2 mile offshore.  Going out there will depend on the conditions, adequate support and enough interest.  I'm in if the day is favorable.  Anybody else interested?    


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