Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday, May 16, 2013

We had eight swimmers today.  The wind was strong and offshore so it was holding up the faces of the waves nicely but it had also pushed the water temperature down to 54 degrees.  Swimming today were Casey, Bob, Tom, Leslie, Brad, Catalina, Robert and Duke.  I was stuck on the beach when I found out that I had forgotten to bring my wetsuit.  No, I waded in and declined to go without a wetsuit.  Catalina is from Bakersfield and had come over today to swim with us. The group swam about 1.4 miles in 45 minutes, unless you were Brad or Casey, in which case you finished quite a bit earlier.  The rout was east to the end of the buoy line, to the end of the Avila Pier, over to the point 1/3 of the way out along the Poly Pier and then back to the buoy at the creek and along the line and under the pier to the starting point.  It looked like a really nice swim.  
 We will be swimming Wednesday evening at 5:30 and I will definitly remember my wetsuit.. 

A big congratulations to Ronda Marina who finished her first full ironman today at Ironman Texas.  She was bib number 1712 and finished in 12:12:28.


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