Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wednesday Evening, May 1, 2013

59.5 Degrees!
Wow, what a nice surprise and I can't explain it.  The water temperature at the port was 57+ late in the day but there was no reason to expect it to be this warm at Avila Beach.  It was also sunny, windy, choppy and there was a strong current, all out of the SW.  There were no whitecaps but the water was really moving.  There were some 2 - 3' waves and a lot of surge. Tonight's lucky swimmers were Rob, Brad, Niel, Mark, John and Kurtis with Allison on her big red kayak.  We went out directly to the end of the Avila Pier, it was choppy but not bad because we were on the lee side of the pier (the shop flattens out going through the pilings).  The water temperature changed around a bit but it was mostly warm.  The leg to the end of the buoy line at the creek was a different deal.  The chop was close together and the current was pushing us to the east so this leg had a couple of challenges to deal with.  From this point we swam back to and under the pier.  Mark and Niel went in while Rob, Kurtis, Brad and John continued to the east end of the buoy line and doubled back to the pier.  Mark and I covered about 3/4 of a mile while the rest of the boys did 1.2.
I know of no reason why the water temperature would stay this high, but we'll see what Sunday brings. 


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