Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Thanks to Leslie for the photo

Ali, Niel, Duke and Tom took a short swim today.  The conditions were nice; the water was up to 55.5 degrees, this warmest it has been since December 1, 2013, it was overcast, windless and flat except for some 3+ foot waves.  After the too close encounters with boats the last two Sundays we decided to stick close to the pier.  We did an simple 1/2 mile out and back along the pier, got wet and had fun.  It wasn't cold on the beach but the lack of sun didn't encourage anyone to linger, so we scattered to our various other tasks after changing and getting warmed up.

We have a swimmer who is on the mend after a bad bike crash on Monday.  Rick Marina was riding on Highway 1 near Cuesta College with a group that included Duke and John Hanse (Fast John to those who try and keep up with him in the water).  Rick went down hard, fracturing his pelvis and breaking his collarbone.  He is home and beginning his recovery.  Send him your thoughts.


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