Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sunday, March 29, 2015

It was full summer at Avila Beach today.

It was sunny and warm, actually too hot by 1 PM. There was a fog bank far offshore that wrapped around towards Pismo Beach and lots of families on the beach.  We had three new swimmers, Brandon, Chris and Breanna, joined Niel, Eric and Jeff. Sylvia did her own swim and Mark was with us to paddle. We did the triangle clockwise, cutting it a bit short and and covering .89 miles.  At the end of the Avila Pier Breanna headed in parallel to the pier while the rest of us swam towards the creek mouth and parallel to the shore back to the pier.
The water was 56.5 degrees with an occasional head high wave and only a slight breeze from the east. It felt like weak offshore breeze conditions.
There is no plot today because Garmin downloaded the data and then flung it somewhere, but not to my account. I'll post it if it shows up later.

Here we are at the end of the first leg.

and at the end of the Avila Pier


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