Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sunday, August 23. 2015

We had a big crowd today with 17 swimmers and many new faces.  The water was 62 to 64 degrees and had the look of a mile red tide. There was small surf and light wind waves and chop. Swimming today were Niel, Bridget, Rick, Karen, Dale, Lorin, Tom, Markus, Nicole, Brett, Dave, Stephanie., Duke, Sylvia, John, Claudia and Pete Kelly. There were at least four different swims. Everybody swam left (east) along the buoy line to the last buoy. Dale and I came back along the buoy line. The group with Dave continued to Fossil Point, to the end of the Avila Pier and ?  The group with Duke and Rick went to the end of the Avila Pier and then over to a point a third of the way along the Poly Pier. They came back to the western end of the buoy line and came back to the Avila Pier. Sylvia did a lap of the buoy line. Stephanie, and maybe a few others, swam to the end of the Avila Pier and came in along the pier.

Dave doing his famous 'chicken dance' before full immersion

The crowd at the last buoy before we split up.

And this from Kevin Watkins -

Hi Niel

Saw in the latest email that Avila's water temp was 68 on Sunday!  That jogged a memory so I went back to the results of the 1997 Avila Ocean Racing Classic.  Please share with the group.  Here's what I wrote:

"Held at the pier at Avila Beach California on August 23, 1997.  145 competitors entered four events

Conditions: Perfect.  Clear, sunny skies, little or no wind, glassy seas.

Water Temperature: 64 degrees for the first events, warming to 66 degrees for the one mile swim (thanks El Nino)"

As I recall we experienced a humdinger of a winter a few month's later!



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