Sunday, October 11, 2015

Sunday, October 11, 2015

We had a great swim today.  Twelve people (Niel, Sylvia, Pete, Amy, Dale, Nicole, Marcus, John Hampsey, Rick, Damion, Gerry Gross and Pete) swam in water that was 65+ degrees. There were 4 to 5 foot waves but the tide turned just before we got in so the surf was laying down as we swam out. At John's suggestion we did a bit of an adventure route;  from the first buoy  out and around a moored sailboat, on to a buoy that marks a reef which is past the end of the buoy line, back to and under the pier to the third buoy on the west side and diagonally in to the shore at base of the pier.  .9 mile in 38 minutes. The water was so comfortable people were just floating and visiting when we grouped up at the turning points, no need to keep swimming to keep warm!

The 2016 Will Swim For Food - Saturday January 16th, 8AM
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This is a annual fundraiser for food banks; raise money and go for a 1 mile swim around the Santa Cruz pier in January. Rob did this swim in 2013 and a group from Avila has gone every year since. Rob, Niel, Ali, Stephanie, Tom and Leslie have raised more than $5000 for foodbanks. This is a swim, not a race. There is no entry fee or cost to the swimmer. You sign up and raise pledges from people who think you have a crazy idea of fun. There is no minimum amount of pledges.  Pledges can be directed to any foodbank in the U.S. 
The ducks are a very fun part. If you, or a donor, pledges $150 or more at one time they will receive a full size duck decoy that they can decorate as they wish and the swimmer can tow behind them during the swim.

Stephanie, Niel and Tom

It is a very fun event for a great cause that has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to feed adults and children in our communities that are hungry.
  The website for this year's swim doesn't seem to be quite complete yet, there is still stuff there from previous years, so I'm not sure that you can actually sign up now but I've begun working on my idea for this year's duck(s). 


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