Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Niel, Heidi and Johnny swam today. It was clear and sunny with scattered clouds, no wind, flat seas and 1-2' surf, and very clear water, just about perfect swimming conditions. I estimated the water temperature at 54 to 55 degrees. The creek had posted some pretty clean numbers so we headed down towards the creek mouth and swam the one mile triangle. The water was clear enough that I saw a school of fish swim underneath me near the end of the pier. 

Johnny near the mouth of the creek

Heidi, the same spot

Niel, same spot. It sure was flat this day.

There always used to be people at the end of the pier to say hi to, but the pier has been
closed for a year and a half and won't reopen until after it has been rebuilt, in  2 to 3 years. 

Heid and Johnny at the opposite end of the triangle

Avila looked nice from the ocean.

While we were swimming the fog came in around the point at the port and
wrapped all of the way around to Pismo Beach. 
I what to send out a big Thank You to GH Sports for their support of the Avila Dolphins. Yo have the best people and gear!


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