Friday, June 23, 2017

Wednesday Evening, June 21, 2017

Our First Wednesday Evening Swim of the Summer!

Wednesday Evening Swim, Johnny & myself had a nice chat (he has some most excellent travel stories) as we waited for anyone else who might show. Brenda, Amelia rocked up & that became our group of participants. Very nice weather on the beach and with no one having swam to the point, that became our route. Very minor surface chop with the temp being somewhere around 58°.
As we regrouped at the point I described the course for the Triple Martini. (we think Brenda took it to heart, since her direction looked like she was going to attempt it right then and there :) All in good fun. A very successful swim with the ladies following it up by adding a hike directly after.  See y'all Sunday.

Have Just a Magic Day !

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