Sunday, August 12, 2018

Sunday, August 12th, 2018

At 10:30 the fog was still in at Avila Beach. It was t-shirt warm and a good number of people were in the water. I measured a water temperature of 60.5 degrees. Our unusually clear water condition have returned to the more typical Central Coast water fog where 6 feet of visibility is the normal.
The fog looked like it might clear but we decided to stick close and do a clockwise triangle route in case we lost all visibility. We has some of the larger waves of the summer, 3 to 4 foot monsters and it was calm and flat. 
In the water today were Duke, Phil, Niel, Karen, Heidi, Maria, Jeff (here from New Zealand for a month) and John.  

Jeff, Heidi, Maria, Duke, Phil and Karen forming up at the start.

Jeff, Duke, Mria, Karen and Heidi at the left end of the buoy line.
The Avila Pier is in the background.

Phil, Jeff, Duke, Karen, Maria and Heidi at the end of the Avila Pier.

As we finished the sun broke through and the wind came up. In 15 minutes we had clear skies and a whitecapping chop in to the buoy line.
I'm swimming Monday and Wednesday evenings of this coming week, conditions permitting (see my post form 8/8). In the water at 6.


A Breaking Swimming Story from our Avila Dolphin Swim Ambassadors in Sitka Alaska: 

Tom and Leslie Lorish are on vacation in Alaska and did a 3K swim in Sitka.

Leslie reports - 
Cold rainy and foggy here in Sitka   Tom and I did the 3k swim.  Lots of eel grass and jumping pink salmon in the water   Nice race!!  The people Up here are wonderful 

Brrrrr!   Glad it’s over with   They have a warming tent and some people are having a very bad hypothermia reaction   They have a doctor on site so that’s good 
Sorry  no idea what the water temperature was but it was very very cold at 2 spots where the rivers dump into the bay  If I can guess I’d say 51 and under 50 in those two river mouths.

Tom says to him it felt like 53-57  and at river mouths under 53   I will say that the river mouths felt brutally cold and they had warned us about that but it still took my breath away

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