Sunday, November 11, 2018

Sunday, November 11,2018

A Really Beautiful Day At Avila Beach

It was sunny and calm with an air temperature in the upper 60's, no clouds except for some haziness from the fires in Malibu. The water temperature was 58.5 with amazing clarity,  I could see the anchor chain on a buoy all of the way to the bottom. The beach was almost empty. The life guards are gone for the season but the swim zone buoys have not been removed yet so we still have them for course layout, so we swam the triangle counterclockwise today.

Duke, Niel, Sydney, Sam, Emily and Heidi getting in.

On the west side and off the end of the Avila Pier we swam over large schools of bait fish that were well below the surface. It was great fun. We rarely have water that is this clear so I don't know if they are usually there but out of sight.

As you can see from the recent swim maps my stopgap Garmin 310XT produces really messy plots. I'm looking forward to Christmas when Santa delivers another 910XT to replace the one that the ocean ate a few weeks ago. 

The repair or replacement of my Ricoh MG-30W waterproof camera will take a while longer, hopefully by the end of the year. 

HEY, how about a Leftovers Swim on Sunday, November 25th? Buy that pie you'd really like to have on Thanksgiving with the assurance the you can bring it to the beach on Sunday, do a long swim, and share the leftovers with friends?


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