Sunday, April 7, 2019

Sunday, April 7, 2019

We had all of the parts of a summer day at the beach today: an air temperature in the low 80's, a water temperature of 55, the back end of a big NW swell wrapping into the south facing Avila Beach and making occasional 5' to 6' breakers, no wind and a crowded beach. The lack of recent rain had allowed the water quality to clean up so we had a full list of options for where to swim. 
Niel, Tom, Jim, Margarite and Teresa swam out to the end of the Avila Pier, over to the Cal Poly Pier and back to the beach. Tom, Jim and Teresa finished up with an additional loop out around the end of the Avila Pier and back in to add a half mile to the distance in my plot. Heidi, Mackenzie and Emily swam out to the end of the Avila Pier, towards the Cal Poly Pier, around an anchored boat and in to the beach.

Margarite, Teresa, Jim and Tom at the end of the Avila Pier.  

Tom at the Cal Poly Pier

Jim and Margarite at the Cal Poly Pier

Teresa at the Cal Poly Pier

Niel at the C.P. Pier

Give Tom the camera and you get toes

and a couple of underwater art photos. 

We have a dry week coming up so next Sunday should be another nice one.


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