Sunday, May 5, 2019

A 5th of May Swim

The Sombrero Swim

Avila was grey and overcast and several of us ran into a light rain shower on the way to the beach.  The air temperature was about 60 with a gusty breeze, the water was a surprisingly warm(ish) 57 degrees, a number we had not seen since last November. There was a small wind chop out of the SW that would develop over the next two hours. The water was still exceptionally clear.
This heron was in this same spot last Sunday and seems to have found the surf fishing here to its liking. 
Tom's route was to make the plot the outline of a sombrero and it didn't turn out too bad.
Today's group was Niel, Jim, Tom, Maria, Jonny, Teresa and Emily. Anne Marie arrived as we were getting in. I believe that he did a short swim on her own. 
Jonny, Tom and Maria at the first buoy.

Emily, Teresa, Jim and Jonny at the first buoy

At the forth buoy on the left of the pier Tom wanted to take advantage of the clear water for some underwater photos. It is tough to get a group of buoyant, neoprene clad swimmers, all underwater to pose.

Underwater selfie by Tom 

Jim, Jonny, Emily and Maria at the end peak of the crown, at the end of the Avila Pier.

Teresa, Tom and Jim at the same spot.


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