Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A nice looking start to the day at Avila Beach today. The fog was heavy along Pismo and S
hell Beaches but clearing in Avila. There was a slight current out of the SW with a pretty flat surface and no surf to speak of. The water temperature was 58.5, high but not unheard of for November. The water wa nice and clear and it looked like we would have a very nice day for a swim.
Niel, Duke, Tom, Theresa (bareback), Stephanie, a woman who's name I didn't catch and Tim planned to swim to the end of the Avila Pier, over to the end of the Cal Poly Pier and back somehow for about a mile and a half.  John, Jonny, Heidi, Dave, and possibly a few more, were going to do about a mile around the buoy line. Ivonne was here, haven't seen her in a year+, visiting from Michigan (?). She got in and swam half of the buoy line bareback. Sylvia Glenn joined us and soaked up the sun. It is always great when our master of Master Ocean Swimmers joins us.
Tom, Niel Duke and others forming up at the end of the Avila Pier. 

Same group, now at the end of the Cal Poly Pier


We swam in along the Cal Poly Pier to the third set of crossbars. From there the group made its way back to our starting point for about 1.5 miles.
I wanted to do about 2.5 miles so I headed over to the end of the Avila Pier and did a lap around the triangle before coming in along the Avila Pier. 
I had 2.56 miles on the clock when I got out. 


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