Thursday, June 18, 2020

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Swimming In The Fog

Dense fog in Avila Beach this morning. I couldn't see the buoy line from the shore. The default swim for these conditions is to swim along the line of four buoys that are on each side of the pier, navigating from buoy to buoy.  If you get totally closed out you can swim in the direction of the surf to the beach. If it clears then more options become available.
Tom and Hillary are on the disabled list with muscle spasms in Tom's back and a sore shoulder for Hillary. Teresa and I stuck to the buoys for 2 - 1/2 laps for 2.25 miles. There was no wind and the water was flat except for a increasing swell. I'd estimate the water temperature on the east side of the pier at 54 and on the west side it was one to two degrees colder. The temperature change was strongly segregated which was unusual. Going from east to west the water temperature dropped as soon as you were under the pier and stayed that temperature to the end of the buoy line near the creek and then popped back up as you came out from under the pier on the way back. 

The next swim will be at 9:30 on Saturday.


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