Saturday, January 9, 2021

Saturday, January 9, 2021

This morning in Avila Beach it was sunny, 51 degrees and there was a strengthening offshore wind. The surf at Avila Beach was overhead plus so I decided to drive over and check out the conditions at Olde Port Beach.  It looked nice with 2 to 3 foot waves. Even with the hills behind this beach the wind was getting in and there already was a chop on the water.  

I swam to the buoy near the boat launching ramp, to the second crossbars on the Cal Poly Pier and back to where I got in for about 1.5 miles.

The leg towards the Cal Poly Pier became steadily rougher as the chop and current built up. It was coming over my left shoulder and pushing me to the right. Near the Cal Poly Pier the shore gets rocky and there were waves rebounding off of the rocks and adding to the toss.   

At the Cal Poly Pier. Behind me is a wave coming off of the rocks towards me.

This swim was fun and different. There are several 1.5 to 2 mile routes from this beach so I'll probably be back.

I'll swim tomorrow at 7:30 with Duke. We'll meet at Avila but may wind up here.



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