Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sunday, August 29th, 2021

 Today was the nicest day we have had at Avila Beach is some time. It was in the mid 70's. There was no sign of the red tide (at least where we swam), the water was clear, 62.5° and at 11 and just starting to get blown out.

Niel, Duke, Leslie and Kiki made up today's group. This was Kiki's first swim with us. She has been doing Jr. Guards and wants to be a lifeguard next year. She seemed to have enjoyed herself today. 

There were a lot of pelicans chasing baitfish in different locations and quite a few fishermen both on the pier and in kayaks. Maybe they are all after the same thing. 

We wound up doing four different swims; Kiki hung with us until we got to the buoy at the creek mouth and then headed directly in to the beach in order to make a surf date in Cayucos. Duke was in recovery mode after the Santa Barbara Aquabike yesterday and turned around at the creek buoy and headed back along the buoys, Leslie nad I swam over to the second crossbars on the Cal Poly Pier and back to our starting point where I came in and Leslie did the another lap to the east half of the buoy line. Having warm and clean water was wonderful. 

Kiki, Duke and Leslie at the end of the buoy line at the mouth of San Luis Creek. 

Niel and Leslie at the Cal Poly Pier.

My schedule for the coming week is 8 on Tuesday, 9 on Thursday and Saturday and 11 on Sunday.  

Happy Birthday to Big Steve Snyder! 
Steve, if you hadn't been so persistent in badgering me to take a break from the pool and to come swim at Avila Beach I would have missed out on so many wonderful people and great swimming! 
Next Sunday is Father's Day and Labor Day Weekend so we will be having a Avila Dolphin Potluck Post-Swim Carb Loading Event. Come and swim at 11 and bring something to share.



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