Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thursday, August 19th, 2021


There were severe red tide conditions in Avila Beach this morning. The red tide was really bad in Pismo Beach a week ago but it has apparently moved to Avila Beach. We have some nice warm water, at about 61° and great swimming conditions but the water is foul.
I got in because the surf was up to 4 feet with maybe and occasional 5 footer so I wasn't sure if the dirty look to the water was from the waves or something else. Everything else looked typical so I got in. At the end of the Avila Pier the water turned really nasty. Not knowing how extensive the red tide was I headed for the end of the Cal Poly Pier and kept wondering if I should keep on, turn back and swim through what I had come through or change direction completely. About halfway to the C.P. Pier things cleaned up to just objectional so I kept on. It was colder and cleaner on the west side of the CP Pier and nothing like it had been on the rest of my route back.      

I fat fingered my watch at the start and didn't get a plot so today we have a Google Maps screenshot.

I spoke with Duke, he had gotten in after I did and done his U-Burner with red tide garnish. He was not happy. Tom Lorish had headed out along the route that I had taken and swam into the same crud. 
I'll be back Saturday at 9 but if it is as dirty as it was today I will get in only if I have a scout ship to keep me out of the red yuch. 


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