Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tuesday, November 16th, 2021

A Wonderful Welcome Back Day

I've been out of town and had not been in the water in a week and Avila put up a very nice day for my first swim. We had the Avila Hole which is more typical of summer, where there is a fogbank all around the horizon with Avila Beach in a sunny hole. There were high clouds and a very light breeze. The air temperature at 8AM was 55° and the water was 57°.  Duke had a 8 AM phone call and would arrive late so I swam on my own. 

Looking down the buoy line towards a fogged in Shell Beach 

I did a loop around the buoy lines and the Cal Poly Pier.

At the end of the CP Pier

I almost ran into Tom as I was swimming in and he was heading out.

Duke's car was next to mine and I saw him out near the end of the Avila Pier. 

I'll be back Thursday at about 8:30 for some more of this.



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