Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tuesday, November 30th, 2021

 The numbers: air temp 54°, water temp 55°, strong, gusty offshore winds, sunny and clear, nice water quality except over at the CP Pier where it was some kind of dirty. Duke and I swam together, just a nice distance to get the cobwebs blown out before work. At the start the water felt cold for 55° but was OK by the time we were at the CP Pier so 55° was about right. 

About that wind. The leg out along the CP Pier between crossbars two and three was a headbanger, plenty of chop and work required, which seemed odd considering the wind was off shore. At the third crossbars we found that the wind was now onshore. Duke said that this was going to be a nice break from swimming into the chop. By my third stroke I was thinking 'what was Duke smoking? This is worse!' But we had a good leg to the end of the pier and came in. 

I saw Tom as I was going in and he was heading out.   

Caught in the glare from the Avila Pier while I was taking the water temp. was the barge with the derrick that was pulling out the swim buoys.  The west side buoys were already gone and those on the east side had been pulled out by the time we finished.
We now have to find out routes along the beach by approximation.  

Duke and Niel at the second crossbars.

I'll be back at 8:30 ish on Thursday.


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