Thursday, June 23, 2022

Thursday, June 23rd, 2022


There was full June gloom in Avila Beach this morning; grey cloud/fog, no sun, no wind, flat water with a 57° air temp and a 57° water temp.  I got in just after 7.
I did a out and back lap down the west buoys, over to the CP Pier, out ot the end and back the way I had come.  The water temperature was very even except for the east side of the Avila Pier where it was several degrees colder. 
A bit too much of a wide angle view from near the kelp beds on my way back to the Avila Pier.
The wind did not come up and it was really flat out there. 

I spoke to Tiki while I was at the showers.  She is working with Jr. Guards and was on her way to get them started.

I'll swim at 8 on Saturday morning. Don, a S.F. Dolphin swimmer, will be joining us for a swim before attending a wedding later. Glad we can get him all stretched out and relaxed before the event.


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