Thursday, August 10, 2023

Thursday, August 10th, 2023

The same gray, flat great swimming conditions this morning. I work up early, felt energized and got to Avila at 6:30 so I got started early.  With no wind and a 59° air temperature it was nice. The 58° water did not feel like almost 60°, more like the mid 50's.  The waves were their usual small selves except for a set of two 6 foot sneakers.     

There was a lot of house cleaning going on in my head and heading from the end of the CPP towards the reef buoy I was actually on course for the Avila Rock. If I had not passed close by the marker buoy for the end of the discharge line for the Avila treatment plant I might have made it to the rock before I got corrected.

I'm going to have to miss a few swims but I'll probably be back Saturday at 7 and Sunday at 11. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Neil,

    My name is Terra and Pete told me about your open water swims. I am wondering if you are going this Saturday August 19 at 7am? I would love to join you. I am training for a tri and would love the ocean experience. I am wondering how far you typically go?

    Thank you,

