Thursday, January 18, 2024

Thursday, January 18th, 2024

 A Great Swim and I Find My Limit in 50° Water  
It was a nice morning for a swim. The air temp in Avila was 40°, it was sunny and calm with 2 foot surf and a very mixed surface on the ocean. Once I was out there there seemed to be swells from the N, SE and SW which must have something to do with the approaching storms. The combined effect was messy.  Swimming out along the Poly Pier it felt like I was working into the push, then from the end of the pier to the reef buoy I was getting pushed to the south. No matter the direction there was always water coming at me from all directions.   
I pushed my distance a bit today and found that even if I take nutrition along 90 minutes is about my limit in 50° water.  At the end of today's swim I was starting to sag and I was shivering when I was changing, so I need to wait until the water is in the mid 50's to do this years 7,400M birthday swim.

If Friday's rain is a half inch or less a 'staying away form the creek' swim is possible on Saturday.  Last week's bacteria numbers for San Luis Creek were high even though there had been no recent rain, so I'll be cautious. I've not gotten COVID and I hate to wind up with hepatitis or some infected sinuses from swimming.


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