Monday, September 28, 2009

There was a surprising amount of fog at Avila on Sunday, hanging over the beach while it was clear a ¼ mile inland. We could see the buoy line without trouble from the beach so we didn’t pass up what were otherwise great conditions. There was no wind so the water was glassy with and occasional set of 3’ to 4’ waves. The water was clear with a temperature of 59. Dale, Niel, Rob and Duke swam. Sylvia is nursing a sore foot and decided to sit this one out. We did the left side of the buoy line and then went out, around the end of the pier and in to the beach. That took us 30 minutes and Rob got to say hello to his first seal. It took the sun a while to break through but by 12:30 it was sunny and warm. The crowds are gone and the lifeguards appear to have packed it in for the season.

Thanks to Rob we have a website! Check out
If you click on the ‘NEWS’ link you will be sent to the Avila Beach Open Water Swimming Blog site; I am going to start posting my swim-mails there instead of maintain the e-mail list. You can check the site whenever you want or you can enter your e-mail address in the box on the right, hit Subscribe, and you will be notified whenever the site is updated.
We need some photos of our great swimmers and friends for the website so I will be taking photos on Sunday for the next few weeks. This is just another great reason to show up on a Sunday, be friendly and swim.


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