Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

It was a day for big hats at Avila Beach today. The wind was offshore and it was very warm on the sand and just about everyone was looking for more shade. It was almost windless, clear and sunny with a water temperature of 56. Today's swimmers were Niel, Duke, Pete, a welcome appearance by Dave Van Mouwerik, Rick Marina and Nancy and Eric. Nancy and Eric are going to swim Alcatraz in September and this is the first time they have been out with us. Nancy and I went short, I'm nursing a sore shoulder and she is getting used to swimming in such a big pool with no lane lines. The rest of the group went out and under the pier and to a new large buoy that is part of the way to the Poly pier. From there they swam to the end of the Avila pier and in, except for Pete who put in some additional distance along the left side of the buoy line. Kris and Angela joined us on the beach.
Sylvia and Dale did the Alcatraz swim today and a lot of our other swimmers were at the Morro Bay Triathlon. Rob Dumouchel did the Around Alcatraz (3.25 Mile) swim for this first time Saturday and is at the 1 - 3 Mile Open Water Championships in Livermore today. At Alcatraz Rob placed 1st (!) in the no wetsuit division and 6th overall. Check out his posting and a bunch of great pictures from his swim at www://

I'll be there Wednesday, sore shoulder or not.


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