Friday, June 18, 2010

Wednesday Evening, June 16, 2010

It was sunny at Avila with an unusual left to right breeze. The wind was stead enough to have pushed up a small chop. The water was 57. I have only seen seals and shore birds occasionally and there were none in sight tonight. We had eight swimmers; Duke, Rob, Pete, Dana, Dave, Ryan, Joel and Niel. Joel is a member of SLO Tri Club and this was his first swim with us. We went out to the buoy line and left to the last buoy. It was strange swimming into a chop in this direction but it was just big enough to be interesting and not challenging. The water felt much warmer to me compared to recent swims and I was very comfortable. From the last buoy we swam to the end of the Avila Pier. At that point Niel, Rob and Ryan came in parallel to the pier and the rest of the group angled over to the last buoy on the right side of the pier, near the mouth of the creek and from there back along the buoys to the pier and in. The longer swim was about 1.3 miles.


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