Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wednesday Evening, June 23, 2010

Flat and Warm - There were still quite a few people on the beach, and even some in the water at 4:45, which is always a good sign. The lifeguards are now on duty until 6PM. There was no surf or swell and just enough breeze to ruffle the surface last night. The water temperature was 58.5. We had seven swimmers out to enjoy a very beautiful evening. Niel. Pete, Rob, Ryan and Eric were joined by Vince and Dave. Vince lives in Santa Barbara, is in his early 70's and seems to of spent most of his life swimming in pools and the ocean. He had seen the SwimAvila website and decided to drive up and join us. Dave caught up with us once we were in the water. I did not get a chance to speak with him but I believe that he is a local triathlete. Hopefully we will see more of both of them at future swims. We swam the triangle route clockwise. At the end of the pier Ryan and Dave elected to come in along the pier while the rest of the group continued on to the buoy at the creek, then back along the buoy line, through the pier and in.
I picked up a green cap and goggles that had been left at the top of the stairs. Dave was the only green cap, so if anyone knows Dave have him call me at 805.704.1817.


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