Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday, July 11, 2010

At 11 o'clock we had low gray sky's, no wind, no chop, no swell and small waves. Not too many people on the beach on this non-holiday weekend. The water temperature was 57 and I saw one seal in the surf while I was taking the temperature. Not many sea birds around but there were a good number of optimistic fishermen on the pier. It was couples day at Avila. We had Big Steve and Nan, Niel and Kris, Duke and Angela, Al and Dale and Rick Marina and Sylvia. Rick, Niel, Duke and Dale swam the triangle/buoy line counter clockwise, swinging by the end of the pier, for about a mile in give or take 30 minutes. We had beautiful swimming conditions; flat water with no current. The sun came out as we were finishing up. By 12:30 the wind was coming up and I think that there were going to be whitecaps on the water by 1.
The next swim will be Wednesday evening at 5:30.


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