Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday, July25, 2010

Avila had a high layer of solid gray clouds at 10:15. Not really fog because I could see the sand slide at the very south end of the Pismo dunes, but there was no sun and no wind of any kind. It was not very cold, 60+, but gloomy. Actually, it was perfect weather for the San Luis Obispo Triathlon. I had a 7:30 start time and it was nice and cool from start to finish and almost spitting on part of the bike. The lack of wind at Avila made the swimming conditions in the ocean better than in the pool at the race. The water was 57 and glassy with just little ripples or wavelets on the surface. You could water ski out there. I wanted to do the buoy line easy and work the soreness out, which was fine for Duke and Eric. Rob and Sylvia were at a long course meet in Fullerton. Everyone else might of been at the Triathlon. We had a very nice swim. I felt better at the end than at the start.
The sun came out at 12:45 and it warmed up a lot.
I will not be swimming this Wednesday evening. I'll be at the Fair having my annual immersion in heat, country music, pig races, funnel cakes and corn dogs. I should plan some extra long workouts for the remainder of the week to aid my post-fair recovery.
I'll be back at the beach next Sunday.


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