Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Day, January 1, 2013

                                                    Sylvia, Dale, Niel, Ed, Rob, Cathy

We celebrated the New Year by taking a short swim off of the Avila Pier. The water was 53 degrees, the air about 50 - 55.  There was a very high tide, no wind, one otter and one seal messing around on the east side of the pier.   The waves were 2' - 3' to 5'+.  It was gray and spitting when I walked out to take the water temperature but the rain didn't develop.  We had seven New Year's leapers; Niel, Dale, Sylvia, Ed, Rob and Rob's friends from S.F.; Cathy and Evan.  Kris and Ruta took pictures and carried sandals back from the start.  As we were walking out along the pier we started attracting some attention from the families and people strolling on the pier and by the time we were ready to start we had quite a crowd.  I lead off and was followed by Dale and Ed, which got the wetsuit contingent into the water. Then Sylvia, Rob, Cathy and Evan dropped in and we swam in to the beach.  It is not a long swim bet a great way to start off a new year.  
The seven-day forecast is for dry weather through the weekend so we will be swimming Sunday at 11.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Niel,

    Cathy and I had a great time swimming and laying about at your beautiful beach, and meeting all the Dolphins. Thanks for making it happen.

    - Evan
