Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

It was beautiful at Avila today, warm, sunny, very clear and no wind.  The only thing that said 'winter' was the water temperature of 50 degrees.  The big waves that were predicted for the west facing beaches were not putting in much of an appearance on Avila's south facing beach; it was flat except for occasional sets of long swells that were producing 3' waves.  We had a nice group today; Niel, Rob, John and Byron were joined by Kyle, and Matt who had each been out with us once before and Emily, who was here for her first time with us.  Dale, Sylvia, Rhonda and Sharlene were very happy to enjoy the sun on the beach and to be ready to help us thaw out after the swim.  We decided to swim what would have been the buoy line if there had been any buoys.  We went out, turned left and swam parallel to the beach until we were even with the end of the sea wall, and returned to the pier.  We had to time our pass under the pier because the swell was causing quite a surge, enough to move me back and forth the distance between two pilings.  Waiting for the slack between the sets made it easy enough.  We continued parallel to the beach until we were off of the mouth of the creek and then took a direct line to the shore at the base of the pier.  We covered .9 mile in 35 minutes.
Today's forecast is for a chance of rain next weekend.  We'll see how that shapes up and see if we get enough rain to cancel Sunday's swim. 

Emily, Byron and Niel.  Photo by Rob. 


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