Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday, April 28. 2013

Avila Beach had a couple of surprises for us this morning.  First, it was gray and overcast, not sunny like San Luis Obispo, and the water temperature was up to 56 degrees.  IT was calm and the water was glassy.  Allison said that there had been a lot of jellyfish in the water when she and Rob were there Saturday evening but there were only a few to be seen around the pier pilings this morning.  These are the small (3 - 4" dia.) flat ones. I have seen them at Avila in large numbers but not for many years.  We had 11 swimmers today; Marta and Susan James had come over from the valley along with Niel, Rob, Sylvia, Amy, Leslie, Tom, Monte, Jennifer and John Hamsey.  Accompanying us were Allison on her kayak and Mark on his 10' surfboard.    We did the triangle route clockwise.  Niel, Amy and Jennifer came in from the end of the pier. The rest of the group completed the triangle.  The complete route was approximately 1.1 miles.  


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