Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday Evening, 17 April 13

It was sunny and breezy with cold water.  The same story that we have been hearing for a while. The water temperature was 51 degrees.  The wind was out of the west, the water choppy, but the wind was going down with the sun so conditions were improving.  Byron, John Segal and  Curtis swam.  Rob had one of his very rare times when it just didn't feel right to get in the water, so he sat out with Allison and I.  It is a good thing to listen to those voices.  Byron is working on stepping up his distance and wanted to do about a mile and a half so the boys set out along the length of the pier.  From there the route was to the end of the buoy line at the creek mouth (and yes, we have buoys along the west side of the pier now), east along the buoy line to and under the pier, reverse course and go west back along the the buoy line to the creek, back to the end of the Avila Pier, then to where the buoys would end on the east side of the pier and finally parallel to the beach until they arrived back at the pier.  That was a triangle route and a half, or 1.7 miles.  Everybody looked tired, happy and cold.  We saw a whale, a seal and a otter from the beach.  We'll be back Sunday.  The weather should be beautiful.  Byron wants to do another 1.5+ on Sunday so be ready to do some distance if you want to hang with him.


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