Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wednesday Evening, May 15, 2013

This evening Byron, Mark and Niel were joined by Mary Ann and Chandler.  Chandler is a senior at Cal Poly and Mary Ann is a recent grad and is teaching at San Luis High.  There was chop and a strong current driven by a steady wind out of the SW.  The water temperature was 57 degrees.  Nobody felt like going large so we decided to start a clockwise triangle and see how we felt about the conditions  and the distance.  We grouped up at the first buoy and headed off along the beach.  Chandler and Mary Ann were fast swimmers so they and Byron went off of the front with Mark and I as the caboose.  The leg from the end of the buoy line to the end of the Avila Pier was directly into the wind.  This leg was the roughest and the most work.  At the end of the Avila Pier Mark went in while the rest of us headed to the end of the buoy line at the creek.  This leg was across the chop and was easier but still some real work.  The finishing stretch along the buoys came with a nice push.  We covered 1.1 miles in 37 minutes.

Avila Beach didn't look like its usual self with all of the preparations for the stage finish on Thursday.   Looks like it will be a great show.


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