Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday Evening, May 22, 2013

We had real open water conditions this evening; there was a very strong wind out of the WSW, chop, wind waves and a water temperature of 54 degrees.  Getting in were Niel, Mark, Marie, Rob and Brad.  We decided to do a mile along the triangle and to go counterclockwise, as this would have us doing what would probably be the toughest part of the swim first.  We went out to the buoy line and headed east under the pier.  Marie has not been swimming with us for long and this was the roughest water she had ever been in.  She decided to head in before we got to the end of the buoy line at the creek.  It was rough. The current and chop were coming over my left shoulder.  The current was strong and pushing us back while the wind waves were breaking over my head.  The leg to the end of the pier was across the chop which was easier but the wind seemed to be freshening.  When we grouped up at the end of the pier Mark headed in.  The wind waves were now peaked up and breaking.  The leg to the end of the buoy line was 'downwind'.  I was getting turned and twisted by the chop, surfed down the face of the wind waves and not swallowing much water.  I had thought that the last leg would be easier than the first as we were behind the pier but the increasing wind made it as least as rough as the first leg.  We finished up and headed in.  We had covered just over a mile in 41 min. 42 sec.  I wish that I had a power meter on my Finis Hydro Tracker.  I'd love to have a readout of the effort I put in on this swim.  Why don't you look into that Rob?


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