Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday, January 12. 2014

We had another unseasonably beautiful day at Avila Beach. It was in the 60's with a water temperature of 53.  There were gusty offshore winds but on the beach close to the seawall it was warm.  Since it was blowing directly offshore the wind put only a small chop on the water close to the beach.  There were occasional 3 to 4' waves, seals playing in close and dolphins out past the end of the pier.  Niel, Amy, Ron and Brad swam.  Rick, Rhonda, Byron, Sharley and Dave Van Mouwerik traded stories and soaked up the sun on the beach.  We swam down to Fossil Point and back covering just over a mile.  The tide was quite low so we stayed farther off the beach than usual in order to avoid the surf that was breaking neat the point.  Just as we grouped up near the pier a guy in a small Zodiac came through the Avila pier about mid way, He headed out along the pier and then turned left towards us.  He completed a full circle , messed around a bit and then crossed back under the pier.  I don't believe that he ever saw us. There was no harm done but I felt more threatened by this guy than most any other animal that I have come across in the water.


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