Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday Evening, August 20, 2014

We enjoyed another beautiful evening swim in Avila. It was a bit windier than usual but it was sunny and warm with 62 degree water.  The ocean was pretty empty; no fishermen, no birds to speak of and just a couple of seals. Niel, Rob, and Marian swam while Stephen and Kelly waited on the beach.  Kelly was Rob's ride to the beach 'cause he was still waiting for the repairs to his truck to be completed so he can return to Arcata before school starts on Monday.  It's quite a story but the result is that Rob has slipped in three swims with us rather than the one that he initially thought was possible.   
We swam the triangle clockwise because Rob wanted to and going clockwise at this time of the day would not have us swimming directly into the setting sun.  There was more wind than is usual for this late in the day so we had some chop to deal with, but the water was so nice. We has a great swim and covered just over a mile. 


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