Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Today's swim started out under overcast skies but there was no wind, the ocean was glassy and the water was clear. Perfect swimming conditions except for the 58 degree water.  We have not seen a temperature this low since May 18th.  58 is not really cold for Avial, some summers the water has not made it into the 60's, but coming on the heels of a summer of the warmest water temperatures that I can recall it felt cold.  But, the swimming conditions were great.
We has a nice group today; Amy, Dale, Sylvia, Niel, Duke, Joyce, Rick, Rhonda, Jon Harmse, John Hampsey and Pete Kelly. 
There were at least three different routes today with everyone doing some form of a swim along the buoy line. Rick, Jon, Duke and I swam down to Fossil Point and back covering 1.14 miles. I had a better workout in the cooler water, wanting to push at the start to get warm and then not wanting to idle around visiting. 
I gott'a remind myself that there will be days in the spring when 58 degrees will sound tropical and keep enjoying this great place to swim.


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