Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mark is tapering for his first Olympic distance tri this weekend in San Diego so he wanted to swim just the left side of the buoy line.  He got a bit more than he planned.  There was a steady east blowing parallel to the beach that created a strong current and chop. The water was a welcome 65 degrees so we had nice conditions to work in. Heading upwind was a real slog. The return trip was faster but still very bumpy. 

Good luck to Mark next weekend  AND

a high five and good luck to Sylvia Glenn. She is part of a women's relay team that is the first to attempt the Anacapa Channel crossing.  

Destination:  Anacapa Island to Silverstrand Beach, 12.5, or more, miles
                     First women's relay to swim a SBCSA channel, in addition to 
                     60+ Hot Mermaid-Babes!  no little old ladies allowed (Sylvia is 77!)

Jump off time is scheduled for 2:00 AM, Friday, September 19th.

You can track their progress at


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