Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Duke, Niel, Lee, Eric (now spelled correctly), Amy 1, Tom Lorish, Drina and Ali all had a real ocean swim experience today.  It was sunny and comfortable but the wind was out of the SW and picking up. The water was 54 degrees and we the swim zone buoys are back.  At 11 o'clock the water was white capped in past the end of the pier. We decided to swim out to the end of the pier, to Fossil Point and then back along the shore to where we started.  The swim out to the end of the pier was much bumpier that I had anticipated.  When I looked up to spot the group at the end of the pier I was looking right into a breaking whitecap.  This was only the first mouthful of water I was going to get on this swim. We grouped up at the end of the pier and headed towards the point.  We were swimming across the chop at an angle, getting tossed and bent by the waves. The chop was high enough that finding the other swimmers required stopping and getting on top of a swell, so there were a lot of course corrections. We swam into a strong current  on the way back to the pier that did lay down as we got close to the pier.  This swim was more work and real ocean fun that I have had in some time.  1.2 miles in 42 minutes from start to finish.

4th of July Swim
Saturday, the 4th of July we are planning a 1.75 mile adventure swim.  The route will be out along the Harford Pier (at the port) to its end, to the end of the Cal Poly Pier, to the end of the Avila Pier and in along the pier to the beach. 

There will be a potluck lunch afterwards. We will need paddlers. Three or four kayaks, paddleboards or SUP's would be a nice level of support and give us a good profile in the water.  The majority of the route is a half mile offshore so you should be an experienced open water swimmer to consider this swim.
This will be a great way to start the holiday.  
You can post your interest on the Central Coast Open Water Google Group, respond on this  site or talk to me at the beach. 


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