Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sunday, September 27,2015

Swimming today were Amy, John, Sylvia, Angela, Damian, Duke, Dale, Stephanie, Kim, Lloyd, and Pete.
At 10:45am the tide was full, and mist and fog enshrouded Avila for the first time in quite a while. The beach was open and quiet, the water flat with moderate surf breaking on shore. We decided to swim the buoy line but shake things up by heading to the right first. So we swam under the pier and went north to the last buoy by the creek, then doubled back and swam under the pier to the last buoy by Fossil Point, then back to the pier and in. Distance was a little less than a mile. Proteus, the ancient sea god, looked kindly on us today because the water seemed to get warmer the longer we swam until, by collective assessment, we deemed it 70 degrees!

--John Hampsey
Sept. 27, 2015

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