Sunday, July 17, 2016

Sunday, July, 17,2016

It was cool with heavy overcast at Avila Beach this morning. There was no wind and an occasional 3' wave. The lifeguards recorded a water temperature of 58 degrees. 
Swimming today were Duke, Amy, Marcus, Stephanie, Chris (visiting from Ventura) Jim, John Hampsey and Peter Kelley. Niel and Rick were on the beach, Sylvia went wading. The group did the triangle clockwise. Stephanie and Chris came in at the halfway point along the length of the pier. Duke got a  total distance of 1 mile. Everybody said that the water close to the shore felt colder than 58 and that it was much warmer out at the end of the pier.

I do not know how big a turnout we'll have next weekend. I'll not be swimming, some people will be at the SLO Tri and others are away at other races. Stephanie wants to swim, anybody coming to keep her company?

Jim is interested in doing a relay swim this summer; Tahoe, a channel swim, Maui, suggestions... Is anybody interested in helping make a 6 for a relay?


JIm, Leslie is interested in a relay swim. If one of you will post contact information in a comment to the blog you can connect.


  1. yes, I want to swim on July 24.

  2. Great. Stephanie will be there, I'm not sure who else.
    Maybe I'll see you the following weekend.

  3. Hi all. Hey Jim, depending on where and when you are looking to do your relay I am interested. Im not as fast as you or Tom but Im good with distance as long as we aren't in super cold water. I'll have Tom give you my phone next time you are both at the beach. I need to replace my wetsuit still so I haven't been there in a while

  4. Hey guys! I'm trying to do some open water but can't make it Sundays due to work, would anyone be up for a Saturday swim (the 23rd or in the future) around noon? Thanks! -stu

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