Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sunday, August 7, 2016

We had beautiful conditions and a nice crowd with a mixture of familiar and new swimmers and a few we have not seen in awhile. Swimming today were Sylvia, Niel, Heidi, Rob, Danilu, Rachel, Ben, Jeffery, Chris, Jim, Johnny, Elizabeth and Gerry Gross. Most of us completed the triangle counterclockwise. Rob and Danilu did a half triangle and came in along the pier. Gerry Gross did his own swim. 

Rob Dumouchel dropped in from Humboldt County for a swim visit 

With the number of of new people I did not get all of the caps, faces and names sorted out,so I can't properly do captions. The water was clean, clear, flat and about 55 to 58 degrees, with some extra warm spots and much colder water under the pier. 

We enjoyed great conditions and a beautiful day to swim.


I'll be traveling and not at the beach the next two Sundays. 

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