Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Spring Conditions at Avila Beach

The fog was burning off at 10:15 and it promised to be a nice day for a swim. There was very little wind and an occasional set of 3' breakers. The tide was out so I could not get a temperature reading from the pier but the lifeguard said that the had measured the water temperature at 49 degrees.  Niel, Heidi, Jonny, John, Amy, Jim and Sydney were ready to swim. The plan was to go out along the pier to its end, swim by the anchored catamaran on the way to the end of the sea wall and then to come back along the beach to the pier. Those that were interested could swim under the pier and down to the creek and back. 

Jim, Sydney, Keidi, John and Amy experiencing the toe freeze

Sue took this one of us getting in.
Heidi, Jim and Sydney at the end of the pier. 

'Are your toes warmer in the water or out?'

Sydney, John and Jim at the ed of the sea wall. 

Once thoroughly chilled, why not swim farther?
Niel and Jim swam down to the mouth of the creek.
The short course group on back the beach.

The long route was 1.24 miles

The short course was .83 miles.


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