Sunday, June 11, 2017

Sunday, June 11th, 2017

Niel, Jonny, John, Jim, Maria and Pete swam today. There was a strong breeze out of the SW and whitecaps on the windward side of the pier. The water temperature was 57 degrees. Pete did his own swim. The rest of us did a triangle counterclockwise. The direction of the four legs of the swim relative to the wind and chop would  be; into, across, with and into.  

At the first buoy. Jim, Jonny and MAria wondering where John is going. 

Maria, John and Jonny at the creek mouth.

John arriving at the end of the Avila Pier.

John and Jonny

Maria and John. Everyone was doing a cap adjustment at the end of the  pier.

Except Jim

It is nice to have the water warming up. We'll start thinking about some longer swims now that conditions are more comfortable.

Neither John nor I will be swimming next weekend. If someone will take some notes and forward them to me I'll get them posted. 


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