Sunday, July 2, 2017

Sunday, July 2, 2017

We had a nice group today with some new and returning swimmers joining the regulars.
Jeff (from San Luis Obispo), Sylvia, Niel, Heidi, Jonny, Mason (Jonny's friend from Santa Margarita, new to ocean swimming) Sam, Sara and Mackenzie (Sam was swimming, Sara was paddling their kayak named Shark Bait with 2 year old Makenzie navigating) Maria, Jeff (here for 5 weeks from New Zealand, no wetsuit), Duke, John and Christian (from L.A. and in the area for the weekend. It was overcast with a water temperature of 56.5, 5 degrees colder than last Wednesday evening.  :-(

I'm recovering from a cold so a 1/2 mile along the buoy line was right for me.

 Duke took the group on a clockwise triangle. 

Sara, Mackenzie, Sam and Shark Bait. Sorry about the water droplet. 

Grouping up at the first buoy. 

The rest of the group at the first buoy. 

Everyone at the last buoy on the left of the pier. From here I headed back to the start while the group swam to the end of the Avila Pier, to the SLO Creek mouth and back along the west half of the buoy line to the start. 

Major Congratulations and a 'Way to Kick Those 70 Year Olds Youngsters Butts' to Sylvia Glenn!

At 79 years Sylvia finish first in the 75 to 79 Semana Nautica One Mile Swim Saturday finishing 15 minutes ahead of second place. Next year anyone in the 80 to 84 age group should be very concerned.

4th of July Swim -

We will swim the morning of the 4th. In the water at 10AM, an hour earlier than usual to beat (most) of the traffic and get home in plenty of time for the rest of the day.
If you are coming bring a snack to share to celebrate the day.

On the 4th we will see if anyone wants to double back and swim Wednesday evening on the 5th. It was sure beautiful last week. 


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