Thursday, July 13, 2017

Wednesday Evening, July 12, 2017

Here is the Wed evening swim report from Heidi Bezaire:

It was Ladies Night at Avila.  Swimming Wednesday evening at 6 pm were Brenda, Amelia, Maria and Heidi.  It was sunny, the air temp was around 70 F and the Port reported a water temp of 61 F.  During the swim, Heidi's cheap-o watch displayed water temps ranging 59-61 F.  There was a steady breeze out of the east, creating some chop.

The water felt balmy and pleasant, compared with many of our colder Sunday morning swims.  We swam a counter-clockwise triangle, which meant that during our first leg east along the buoy line we swam head on into a chop that often slapped us on the head.  In contrast, our swim to the end of the pier and then to the 2nd buoy on the west side was smooth.  

At that point, Brenda and Amelia headed to shore so they could head to the hills for a sunset hike.  Maria and Heidi continued to the 4th buoy on the west side then swam back under the pier where we paused to watch a majestic pelican poised on the pier, silhouetted by a setting sun.  Or, was he watching us…?    

Looking forward to Sunday’s swim.

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