Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Trouble With Tribbles and a Fortune Cookie Swim

The Trouble With Tribbles is one of the most famous episodes from the original Star Trek.  The Enterprise is inundated with featureless but harry and harmless creatures.

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Well today there was one on the beach right there where we put our chairs. This one was kind'a quiet, it didn't move or even squeak when Duke set down his chair near it. Eventually Sue became concerned and moved it to near the trash can. It must have woken up because it was gone later.
I've come across some strange and unexpected things on the beach but never a Tribble.

It was sunny at Avila Beach today with thin high clouds, about 70 degrees with 60 degree water. There was no wind, the ocean was flat and the water was nice and clean. Not as clear as last Sunday but very good for Avila Beach. The water temperature is about 4 to 5 degrees warmer than this time last year, for which I have no explanation. 

There is no course map today because I forgot to charge my Garmin 310 GPS watch. 
Tom's Fortune Cookie Route is sort of a folded triangle: swim out along the Avila Pier to the end of the pier, then to the western end of the buoy line at the mouth of the SLO Creek, east along the entire buoy line to its eastern end on the other side of the pier, back to the end of the Avila Pier and in along the pier. Total distance is 1.25 miles.
Swimming today were Peter, Niel, Amy, Duke, Sydney, Sam, Tom, Maria, Sue (back from England for a time), Johnny, Brian (chased out of Southern California by the smoke and debris) and Jeannine. Soon after the start the group unraveled into four or more swims. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed these very unseasonable conditions. 

The rain predicted for this week should taper off on Thanksgiving Day so we should be good for the Leftovers Swim on next Sunday where we will swim long and have desert. 


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